Monday, June 14, 2021

Abiding in Jesus

READ: 2 Kings 19, 20; Proverbs 14; John 15: 1-17

SCRIPTURE: John 15: 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

OBSERVATION: In recent times, shocking news about the fall and apostasy of well-known Christian leaders confused many Christians around the world. It raised many questions among the believers: if such great men or women of God could fall from grace, what about an average Christian who does not know much about the Bible? How could a person keep himself/herself pure from all the enticing traps and snares of the world? Here, Jesus shares a meaningful analogy to emphasize the importance of remaining in him. As long as a branch remains in a plant, it would yield fruits. 

The size of the branch is not a matter, but whether it is connected with a plant or tree matters. When Jesus asks us to remain in him, he says to do it as he remains in us. He first loved us, even before we knew anything about him. In John 15:4-10, the word “remain” appears 11 times. See the importance that Jesus gives to remaining in him. Jesus explains great truths in a common man language. Jesus says of the benefits of remaining in him and the dangers of not remaining in him as well. To bear more fruits and to see answers to our prayers, we must remain in Jesus. If we do not remain in Jesus Christ, we cannot expect fruits and do anything. Without him, we can do nothing. 

Remaining in Jesus means that we should love him and obey his commandments. They are inseparable from one another. Branches that allow pruning grow and bear much fruit and live long. Similarly, when we remain in Jesus and allowing him to prune anything that displeases him would save us from dangers and protect us from being perished. Jesus calls us to remain in him as he remains in us. After all, remaining in him helps us have everything that we need for our life and to bless others.

APPLICATION: I was one among the useless branches of a wild plant. Jesus, the true vine, took me and grafted with him. I remain in him by remembering his love and mercies. From him, I continually get nourishments for my life. If anything that I could do, it is only because I remain in him. Without him, I can’t even survive in the polluted world. He disciplines me by pruning and helps me to grow to bear more fruits for the glory of God. I am greatly indebted for his gracious love that makes me a useful person for all. I should not allow my busy life, church activities, and various ministry responsibilities to stop me from remaining in Jesus.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for your love to remain in me. Help me to love you and obey your commands while I remain in you. I cannot do this without you. Help me to depend on you always and to remain in you. I ask this to live for the glory of the Father. Amen.

 - Arputharaj Samuel

+91 9538328573

Day - 165

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