Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Great is your faithfulness

READ: Lamentations 3-5; Psalms 122; 2 Timothy 4

SCRIPTURE:   Lamentations 3: 22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

OBSERVATION:  When a person is in deep grief, mourning for the loss or death of dear ones, or facing a bleak future after witnessing tragic events around him, it would be difficult to come out of his trauma and look beyond to see what the future holds for him. At such times,  nobody or no words could console and comfort a person experiencing a dark period of his life. His tear-filled eyes and heavy heart would have prevented him from seeing or judging anything correctly. The author of Lamentations was in a similar situation. Traditionally, people believe prophet Jeremiah wrote this book after seeing the destruction of Jerusalem, the brutal murders of his people, and the consequences of the war. He was not able to be happy because of all the unfortunate events. In a hopeless and painful situation, the author finds hope when he remembers God instead of remembering the afflictions and sufferings.

When the author turns his eyes to God, he finds significant theological truths that offered him hope, and the remnants were not consumed because of the Lord’s great love. God’s great love refers to his faithfulness in fulfilling his covenantal promises. Then, the author says about the unfailing compassion of God. When he realizes the presence of God’s love and compassion, it helps them to see that God’s grace is “new every morning.” Some may ask why God allowed such tragedies among people, why God gives his love every day little by little, can’t he give all at once so that we can continually live without any worries. However, People knew that it was a punishment for their disobedience to God’s word. So they did not ask such questions. Moreover, God wants to have a continual and daily relationship with us.  God’s love and compassion are new every morning. It gives us the light we need for each day and dispels the darkness from us. when we taste God’s love every day, we too will happily confess, “great is your faithfulness.” Regardless of our situation, when we look at God, we see the silver lining that gives us hope for the future. In the uncertain world that offers no answers to our questions, we are still alive only because of God’s faithfulness. “Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.”

APPLICATION: My God is faithful to fulfill his promises. “His love has no limit; His grace has no measure.” I can experience them every day. I should love all as he loves me. As I taste God’s faithfulness in my life, I also should be faithful to God.

PRAYER:  Father God, thank you for all the covenantal promises you have given for me. Jesus, thank you for your great love and compassion. Holy Spirit, help me to experience God and his faithfulness in my life every day. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573
Day - 305

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