Sunday, December 12, 2021

A key to understanding the Bible

READ: Joel 1-3; Proverbs 9; 3 John 1

SCRIPTURE: Joel 3: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”

OBSERVATION: Many things that people believe to be true are, in fact, misunderstandings or misconceptions. For example, many Christians think that the forbidden fruit mentioned in the bible is an apple. However, in the story of the Fall of Man, the bible does not mention any fruit name. We can see that people start to believe something as true if it is repeatedly told many times. Reading a bible verse or passage in the context of surrounding verses or chapters is a hermeneutical key to understanding it correctly. Many Christians misunderstand that Joel 3:10 is an invitation for those who consider themselves weak to strengthen themselves in the Lord.

 “The day of the Lord” is a dominant theme In the prophetic book of Joel. When we read Joel 3:10 in its context, we understand that God’s enemies are invited to come to the final war to receive the judgment of God. During wars, nations will make every effort to increase their weapons and army strength. Here, God summons the wicked nations and mocks them to strengthen their weapons and army to confront him. Through Joel, God says that while the enemies of God will face a bleak future, God will be the refuge and stronghold for his people.

Though Joel 3:10 does not say anything about God’s power and grace for our weaknesses, the bible abundantly tells us of God's help during our weak times. Apostle Paul says, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor.12:9-10). He says the cross of Christ is the power of God to overcome our weaknesses (2 Cor.13:4). In Christ, we find our strength. When Joel prophecized about the day of the Lord, he spoke of God’s promise of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-32). On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples received the Holy Spirit, Peter remembered Joel’s prophecy (Acts.2:15-18). The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to be Christ’s witness (Acts 1:8). As Paul says, “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Rom.8:26).

APPLICATION:  When I read the Bible, I should be careful to note what God wants to speak with me. I must avoid interpreting or taking the meaning of a bible verse outside its context. I must remember, “A text out of its context is a pretext.” Instead of proving or supporting my idea by randomly choosing the bible verses, I must give utmost attention to faithfully interpreting the biblical text to understand it correctly. The Bible is the living word of the living God. When I read the word of God, I should believe and put it into practice. It is a great reward for me when I keep the word of God.

PRAYER:  Father God, thank you for your word that speaks to us even today. Lord, thank you for your word that teaches, corrects, rebukes, trains me in righteousness, and equips me to do every good work. Holy Spirit, teach me all things; remind me of Christ’s words, and give me your power to live accordingly. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day – 342

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