Monday, May 24, 2021

A conversation with Jesus

READ: 2 Samuel 23, 24; Psalm 143; John 4: 27-54

SCRIPTURE:  John 4: 27 Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?”

OBSERVATION: The Gospel of John surprises us in many ways.  It presents some unique details about Jesus which are not found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. One of the important aspects in the Gospel of John is, it says more of Jesus’s words than his deeds. In John 4, we see the longest conversation of Jesus that  is recorded in the Gospel. It was with a Samaritan woman. Jesus’ disciples’ surprise was not without any reasons. Firstly, Jews hated Samaritans, considered them as “unclean” or “untouchables” and did not associate with them (even the Samaritan woman was surprised when Jesus spoke with her, see v.9). Secondly, according to Jewish traditions, talking with a woman in a public place was considered inappropriate for men. Those days, a Jew would not speak with a woman in the street, even if she was his wife. The third reason, which the disciples probably didn’t know at that time but we understand from the conversation, was the immoral state of the woman. She was a five time divorcee and living with a man she did not marry. 

Yet, none of them hindered Jesus from initiating a conversation with the Samaritan woman to help her to understand who he was. During the conversation, her understanding about Jesus changed from considering him as a mere Jew to the promised Messiah. Later, “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him (Jesus) because of the woman’s testimony” (Jn.4:39).  Before his trial (Mk.14:62), among the four gospel narratives, only in John 4 Jesus openly said that he was the Messiah. Further, the title “the Saviour of the world” is not seen elsewhere in the Gospel.   Likewise, Jesus’ each conversation helped people to understand who he was. Jesus cleared all the doubts of the Samaritan woman. Instead of despising  the Samaritan woman, Jesus gave her an opportunity for a transformed life. No social norms could stop Jesus from speaking with us. He is interested in having a personal conversation with us. When we feel loneliness, when we are reluctant or forbidden to talk with others, we should remember we can speak with Jesus.  If Jesus comes to us today, what would we ask him? What would he say to us? Are we ready to talk with Jesus? 

APPLICATION: When I am struggling with doubts, fears, sorrows, and taunting questions of life and eternity, I can go directly to Jesus and speak with him without any restrictions. He helps me to understand who he is to me and what he intends to do for me. He slowly unravels all the mysteries and makes me understand them, like he did with the Samaritan woman. I should not hesitate to speak with Jesus. Like Jesus comes to me, I must be willing to go and speak with anyone without any social apprehensions. A conversation with Jesus and a conversation of Jesus are indeed useful to all. 

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for your willingness to speak to me even today and everyday. Help me to set aside a time to speak with you. Lord, open my ears to hear your words. Amen.

 - Arputharaj Samuel +91 9538328573

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