Sunday, May 2, 2021

God watches over you

READ: 1 Samuel 9,10; Psalm 121; Luke 17:20-37

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 121: 7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

OBSERVATION: In the book of Psalms, 15 Psalms (Psalm 120 to 134) that starts with a title "A song of ascents" are called "Pilgrim Psalms."  Many Bible scholars opine that Jews sung these songs as they ascend the Mount Zion when they go to Jerusalem for their annual pilgrimage, according to the instruction in Deut.16:16. Some view that the word "ascents" refers to the 15 steps of the Jerusalem temple and say that these songs can be called "a song of the stairs." Psalm 121 is one of the pilgrimage songs, in which "the Lord watches over" is the major theme.

Here the psalmist expresses his belief in God that the Creator God helps and protects him from all harm. If God protects us, then why we see many difficulties and struggles in our life? Even good Christians face many issues in their life. Many psalms describes the agony and sufferings of the psalmist. In fact, many psalms were written during such periods. Does God protect us? YES. There is no doubt about it. The psalmist gives a broad picture of God that God indeed watches over his people. How God deals with each of us would differ according to our situations. Who would have thought that people would become afraid of even stepping out of their houses! When our children, women, and men go out, there is no guarantee for their safety and life. Some feel insecurity even in their homes. When we read Psalm 121, we understand that God watches over us in all the times. Even when we go through difficult times of our life, God protects us and helps us to overcome it. The Psalmist says that the God who watches over you now will do it forevermore. Trusting God gives more hope than any other things in the world.

APPLICATION: God is my helper. Even when I sleep, God protects me. He keeps me safe under his wings. He protects my life now and forevermore. He gives me the glorious eternal hope. He is my hope!

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for the assurance and hope you give me whenever I come to you. You indeed watch over me. Help me to stay under your care now and forevermore. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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