Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Do whatever Jesus tells you

READ: 2 Samuel 13, 14; Psalm 138; John 2:1-12

SCRIPTURE: John 2: 4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

OBSERVATION: Jesus’ first miracle  in the wedding function at Cana has an important message for all who expect a miracle in their life. Some Christians misunderstand that Jesus did not give proper respect to his mother Mary since he called her “Woman.”  The Greek word guné which the evangelist used here, however, is a common word that refers to a woman. Generally, the context of a word determines its actual meaning. When Jesus affectionately called his mother while he was on the cross, the same guné is used (Jn. 19:26).  By looking at the usage of the word guné in the other occasions in the Gospel  (Matthew 15:28 ; Luke 13:12; John 4:21; 8:10; 20:13; 20:15), we can be confident that Jesus did not dishonor his mother. The main point of this verse is that was not the right time to reveal Jesus’ identity as messiah. 

However, Mary expressed her confidence in Jesus to meet the immediate need of the wedding family and said to the servants “Do whatever he tells you.” Such a situation of crisis, she believed that Jesus was the only person who could give a solution in time. Sometimes, we expect that God should do this and that as we wish. Mary did not make such a mistake. She told Jesus about the need of the situation and instructed the servants to obey his words, whatever he says. They obeyed and filled the stone jars with water “to the brim.” That was all they needed to do, and Jesus did the rest. Later, the words of the master of the banquet reveal how best the miracle was. When we fully obey the words of Jesus, whatever he says, whatever it takes, we will see God’s glory in our life.

.APPLICATION: When I am in need of a miracle, I should go to Jesus. He is near to me to hear my prayers about my life-needs. I need to trust and obey whatever Jesus tells me. When I fill the empty jars of my life with a complete obedience of my heart to the brim, Jesus honors my faith in him and meets all my needs, whatever it may be. 

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for your presence in my life. Lord, you are the wonder-working God. Help me to lean on you and to show my faithful obedience to your words in my life, not just in the time of my needs but always. Amen. 

 - Arputharaj Samuel +91 9538328573

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