Saturday, May 29, 2021

Judge correctly

READ: 1 Kings 9, 10 ; Psalm 148 ; John 7: 1- 24

SCRIPTURE: John 7: 24 Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.

OBSERVATION: When we give overemphasis to our cultural practices or social traditions, we might fail to see what God is doing in our life. Jews held that the observance of the law of Moses was above all. When Jesus healed the sick on Sabbaths, Jews got angry and even tried to kill him. They failed to see the works of God that made the sick people whole. So Jesus exposed their hypocrisy in observing the law. Jesus' point to his critics was, If cutting a body part (circumcision) on a Sabbath day can be justified as a fulfillment of the law,  how much more would it be a fulfillment of the law if a healing made a person’s whole body to get well. Jesus challenged the Jews to see the origin of his works and his purpose instead of seeing him through their traditional lens. He was not saying “judge not.” But called them to judge correctly and to see and understand the meaning of the law. We should not judge people or anything by mere appearances. Sometimes, what we see and hear may deceive us. In order to judge correctly, without any prejudice we should see things as they are. God is always working in our life. We need to be open to see the work of God in our life.  “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear” (Mt. 13:16)

APPLICATION: If I do not see Jesus as he is, it could lead me to disbelieve and misunderstand him. Jesus is always working in my life. I do not want to be like the Jews who failed to recognize Jesus’ words and works. I will keep the main thing the main thing. I will not allow any tradition to affect the way I see and hear God. I will see everything in the light of the word of God.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for the works you are doing in my life. You make me whole to witness your power and glory. I do not want to place anything between you and me. Lord, help me to rejoice in your word and works. Amen.

 - Arputharaj Samuel +91 9538328573

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