Friday, May 14, 2021

Living as one

READ: 2 Samuel 3,4; Psalm 133; Luke 23:26-56

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 133: How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

OBSERVATION:  Psalm 133 says of the blessedness of unity. The idea of unity and its relevance to successful living  are applicable to any society. However, in the context of Psalms 133, it reminds the worshipping community about  the importance of  living in unity. The pilgrim psalmist expresses his joy of seeing the gathering of the Israelites to worship God upon his arrival to Zion i.e, Jerusalem. The psalmist must have felt that the value and strength of such unity are  beyond any measure.  So, he calls us to observe and to consider “How good and pleasant it is.” Our unity in serving/praising/worshipping the Lord gives us an unending joy, an unfathomable  strength, and heavenly blessings. “For there the Lord bestows his blessing,  even life forevermore” (v.3).

The bible teaches us that "A house divided against itself, will not stand." Our Lord Jesus prayed for the unity of his disciples and all who believe in him (Jn.17). Apostle paul epitomizes the Church as one body that consists of different organs, in which each part has a unique function and cannot operate independently (1 Cor.12). Thus, all christians become members of one body. However, In reality we see more disunity in the Church, among Christians, and in Christian families. Jesus has given us a new command, “Love one another.” A saint of God says that only love and humility will lead us to unity.

APPLICATION: When I come before God, I should remember that I am a part of the body of Christ. With bitterness and grudge against a fellow Christian or a family member, I cannot experience the blessing and  joy of unity. I need to put aside my egos, obstinacy in order to love everyone as Christ loves me. Further, I should remember that unity doesn’t mean uniformity. I will seek unity in diversity.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for reminding us about the beautiful picture of unity. Jesus, help us to love one another without any partiality. Holy Spirit, unite us to be one in Christ. Amen

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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