Friday, May 7, 2021

Turn our captivity

READ: 1 Samuel 19,20; Psalm 126; Luke 20:1-26

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 126: 4 Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.
6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

OBSERVATION: Psalm 126 starts with a description of the joy of the restoration of God's people. This restoration here alludes to the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity. It must had been an unbelievable event for them, so they praised God with joy unspeakable. However, we see a prayer in verse 4, "Restore our fortunes." We may think that why the psalmist again pray for a restoration if he already had experienced it.  Remembering God's past deliverance or intervention in our life builds up our faith. It gives us strength to pray for the present challenges and unfinished tasks in our life. Here, the prayer indicates the furtherance or completion of the restoration work that already started or says of the remaining work to be done.

The psalmist asks the Lord for a restoration, "like streams in the Negev." Negev refers to the southern part of Judea which is a dry and arid place, not an ideal place for agriculture. However, flash floods would fill the streams of Negev with plenty of water, due to torrential rains. We may experience a long dry period in our life, with no success. As we return to God, he is able to fill our life with his blessings in his time. To a man who complained of his prolonged failures, a wise man suggested him to sow his efforts with tears (in prayer). The psalmist expresses his hope and expectation of joy, with a metaphor of sowing and reaping. Reaping and returning with songs of joy is promised to those who sow in tears.

APPLICATION: The Lord has done many mighty things in my life, so far. He has delivered me from many things. However, at times I may see all my efforts become fruitless and of no use. When I realize that I still need God's deliverance, I can ask God to turn my captivity. My captivity could be a sinful temptation, or a disease, or body weakness, or family situation, or ungodly environment in my life. Whatever it may be, when I ask God with a sincere heart, he would restore me in an unbelievable way. His salvation gives me unspeakable joy.

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for the joy you give me when you  restore me. How wonderful is it to be in your hands! Lord, turn my captivity. I will sing the song of joy that praises your mighty works in my life. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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