Saturday, May 8, 2021

Unless the Lord builds....

READ: 1 Samuel 21,22; Psalm 127; Luke 20:27-47

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 127: 1 Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.

OBSERVATION: Psalm 127 reminds us the importance of our dependency on God. Whatever we do, whether it is great or small, we need God. There are people with unique skills and extraordinary talents. Some are known for their hard work. This psalm does not speak against these things. However, the fruit of their labor or their achievement, as the psalmist says, is the result of God's blessing. History tells us the failures of so many great personalities as well as the great achievements of ordinary people. However, in the modern world, we see some Christians who keep themselves busy throughout the day to earn and to save for their life. End of a day, they often become so exhausted and in distress they go to bed. Here the psalmist says, such endless toils are vain. what is the use of earning so much if there is no time/no health to eat? what is the use of spending all our energy in vain things, if we don't have peace within? We see an increase of insomnia across the world. Our modern technologies, medical facilities and awareness of human needs do not guarantee a sleep without any side effect. But the Lord "grants sleep to those he loves." If so, how much more do we need to prioritize our time, family, 
and work to give the proper place to God! 

APPLICATION: When I depend on God in my work, I will see a difference in the results. My skills, talents and God-given gifts are unique. However, when I allow God to use them all as he desires, they all become more useful and fruitful to my life, family, and to my society . In his hands, my ordinary works and skills can become a master piece.  God is important to me than any other works or responsibilities. Therefore, I will seek God before I do anything, whether great or small. I will ask God to build my education, work, life and house. My life with God gives me peace and joy.

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for showing your concerns and love for my life. Lord, help me to understand the importance of "unless the Lord builds." Jesus, In everything help me to seek your wisdom and to honor you in my life. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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