Saturday, May 22, 2021

Let us exalt Jesus

READ:  2 Samuel 19, 20; Psalm 141;  John 3: 22-36

SCRIPTURE: John 3: 30 He must become greater; I must become less.

OBSERVATION: John the Baptist was a forerunner of Jesus Christ. People revered him as a prophet. God-fearing Jews wondered that he may be the promised Messiah. Yet, the only purpose of John’s ministry was to “prepare the way for the Lord.” Although he was popular among the people, he was humble to tell people who Jesus really was. Here, we see John’s response to his disciples who saw that Jesus and his disciples also were doing something similar to John’s ministry. When they saw that all people were going to Jesus, possibly they were jealous about it. So they complained to John the Baptist (v.26). However, instead of agreeing with his disciples’ attitude, John joyfully testified Jesus as the Messiah and was happy that people were going to Jesus. Instead of worrying with his disciples about the future, he said my joy “is now complete.”

What  could be the reason for John’s humility and joy in seeing Jesus’ ministry? Was his ascetic life? Or his inability? He had a clear understanding that “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.” John’s focus was not denying himself in order to be humble. Rather, he gave his full attention to Jesus that “He must become greater.” As Christians, what we do in our life! Are we focused on  increasing our status in society or on lifting up Jesus? Where do we keep Jesus in our life? The place and attention we give to Jesus determine our joy and satisfaction in our life. If we keep our focus on Jesus that “he must become greater,” we will have complete joy in our life. 

APPLICATION: John experienced a complete joy in testifying about Jesus. He must become greater; I must become less” is a good dose for a healthy spiritual life. When I am focused on increasing Jesus, I rejoice in seeing others’ success in life and ministry. John had a unique purpose and call in his life to tell people who Jesus was. I also should not hesitate to give testimony about Jesus. I will exalt Jesus in my life and boldly proclaim to people that Jesus  is “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  

PRAYER: Jesus, I praise you for the wonderful humble life of John the Baptist. Lord, help me to keep my focus on you more than anything else. Holy Spirit, strengthen me to pay my undivided attention to Jesus and to  tell my people about the greatness of the Messiah. You lifted me up from the miry clay. I want to lift you up in my life to give all glory to you.  Amen.

 - Arputharaj Samuel +91 9538328573

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