Monday, July 12, 2021

Wake up, Tabitha!

READ: 2 Chronicles 23, 24; Psalms 11; Acts 9: 20-43

SCRIPTURE: Acts 9: 36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek, her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor.

OBSERVATION: In the New Testament, Tabitha is the only woman who is mentioned as a disciple of Jesus. It doesn’t mean that women had no place in the ministry of the Early Church. Many women supported the ministry of Jesus and were among the disciples when Jesus preached the Kingdom of God (Luke.8:2,3). After the ascension of Jesus, women were among the 120 disciples and prayed together in the upper room (Acts 1:13, 14). In the Early Church, many women believed in the Lord and joined the Church (Acts 5:13); even women also were persecuted and imprisoned for their faith in Jesus (Acts. 8:2,3). So, beyond doubt, the early Church had many women disciples of Jesus Christ. But Tabitha is explicitly mentioned as a disciple. Perhaps Tabitha was a widow. However, though she was a widow, she never stopped doing good and helping the poor. You may remember that one of the first internal problems of the early Church was related to caring for the widows (Acts. 6:1). However, as Acts 9:38 indicates, Tabitha, a female disciple who is believed to be a widow, took care of the widows; a group of widows testified to apostle Peter about her good works. There were many women disciples and leaders in the Early Church. The Bible mentions the name of only a few of them. Even today, women have a significant role in the growth, vision, and mission of the Church. The question is: Do we allow our female members to function and work according to their call? Where are the Tabithas of our time and Church?

APPLICATIONWhether I am a male or female, being a disciple of Christ, doing good works, and helping the poor are essential parts of my Christian life. However, as apostle Paul says, “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Phil.3:12). I will live a life worthy of the calling I have received in Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for the call you have for every Christian. Help our Church understands the value of discipleship and be involved in making men and women become your disciples.  Lord, strengthen me to fulfill your call and help me to finish my race successfully for the glory of God. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day - 193

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