Saturday, July 3, 2021

We cannot help speaking about Jesus

READ: 2 Chronicles 3, 4; Psalms 1; Acts 4:1-22

SCRIPTURE:  Acts 4: 13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

OBSERVATION: The rulers, the elders, and the teachers of the law wanted to stop the spread of the apostles’ message that drew more people to believe in Jesus Christ. They had no possible explanation to refute the spectacular miracle of the lame man who sat and begged at the temple gate. But, they worried about the increase in the number of believers and the spread of the apostles’ message. They were wondering how to stop the apostles from preaching about Jesus. When the rulers and the elders of the people heard the spirit-filled words of Peter, they found something that surprised them: Apostles had not received any formal training in their traditional rabbinic school and were “ordinary men.” Importantly, they came to know about the fact that the apostles “had been with Jesus.” The apostles’ speech, the way they responded, and their boldness must have reminded Jesus to the Jewish leaders. 

Peter had already said, “Silver or gold I do not have,” but I have Jesus. The apostles had no formal educational and financial background to boast about themselves. All they had was “JESUS.” It was visible to others as they spoke and lived based on their faith in Jesus. The rulers had no clue on how to stop them from proclaiming about Jesus. The apostles were undeterred by the threats and commands of the Sanhedrin. They chose to obey God rather than paying heed to human threats. So, their response was, “As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (v.20). To speak about Jesus and make others believe in him, it is essential for us that we need to be with him rather than having any formal (theological) education, ministry training, and wealth of the world. When people see us, our words and deeds should remind them about Jesus. If we are with Jesus, we cannot be idle anymore. We will do something for Jesus. We will testify to the world about what we see, hear, and taste in Jesus Christ. Does our life witness Jesus? 

APPLICATION: As a follower/believer/disciple of Jesus, I may not have silver and gold (which symbolize the world's riches). But I have Jesus within me. When my words and actions reflect Jesus, people get an opportunity to know him, in addition to knowing that I belong to Jesus. Instead of worrying about worldly restrictions that prohibit speaking about Jesus, I must prefer to listen to God. I want to be a witness to Jesus Christ in any situation, in my words and deeds.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for being with me in every situation to testify your love, grace, and truth. Holy Spirit, give me your strength to speak the spirit-filled words that help people to know Jesus. Amen.    

- Arputharaj Samuel

+91 9538328573

Day - 183

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