Friday, June 4, 2021

Guard your heart

READ: 1 Kings 21, 22 ; Proverbs 4 ; John 10: 1-21

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4: 23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

OBSERVATION:  People give high protection to their precious things. Depending on their capacity, they keep their expensive possessions in a safe place. From Genesis to Revelation, the word “heart” is used more than 1000 times in the bible.  Here, we see a loving father’s word of wisdom to his child. The phrase “above all else” emphasizes the importance of guarding our heart. A healthy heart is vital for a long life, both physically and spiritually. Biblically, the first step to protect our heart is to keep the word of God in it (Pro.4:21). Jesus warns that an empty heart is susceptible to the devil’s attacks and will make life worse (Mt.12:45).  Psalmist writes, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Ps.119:11). When we treasure God’s word in our heart and when we allow God’s word to work in and through us, it does the remaining all works for our well being and protects us from sinning. 

The Bible says, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Mt.12:34). As we read here, “for everything you do flows from it” (v.23). Jesus says that all the evil thoughts and deeds come from  a person’s heart (Mt.15:19).  Our actions, words, and thoughts all are the result of what we have in our hearts. If we want to live a life that pleases God, we need to fill our hearts with God’s word that is full of the Spirit and life. How can we fill our hearts with the word of God? Bible reading, meditating on the word of God are very helpful. However, will it be possible without surrendering our hearts to God and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord? 

APPLICATION: Keeping God’s word in my heart gives me multiple blessings of the Lord. So, “above all”, I will give priority to guarding my heart. However, I cannot do it with my own strength. I need Jesus. When Jesus comes into my heart, he fills my heart with God’s word and guides me in his path. He changes the way I see, my speech, and my actions. When Jesus lives inside of me, everything that comes out of me is good and useful for all.   

PRAYER: Loving father, thank you for your words of wisdom to lead a godly life. You are my shield and strength. Jesus, you are my shepherd. So, the devil can do me no harm.  Amen. 

 - Arputharaj Samuel

+91 9538328573

Day - 155

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