Saturday, June 12, 2021

The golden rule for Jesus' disciples

READ: 2 Kings 13, 14; Proverbs 11; John 13: 21-38

SCRIPTURE: John 13: 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

OBSERVATION: People say that all religions teach love, and love is universal. Some people consider that love is the golden rule for life and fundamental ethical duty. However, people find it hard to love others. Here, we read Jesus’ new command to his disciples: “Love one another.” The commandment of love was not a new one. The Old Testament teaches about love (Lev.19:18), and Jesus referred to this verse many times. In fact, Jesus himself summed up the entire law and prophecies in two commandments of love. If so, how can it be a new command? It is new because Jesus asked his disciples to love one another in the same way as he loved them. Jesus’ love is the criterion or the standard measurement scale for this new command. We can read and know of many great leaders who taught or spoke profoundly about love. However, Jesus Christ was the only person who showed a perfect model to love through his life. Jesus' love is unconditional, sacrificial, unbiased, and accepts all who comes. He told his disciples that they must do it. You may remember Jesus’ words concerning humility (Jn. 13:14). Christly love is the key to humility.

 In this passage (Jn. 13:34,35), Jesus says of three things: first, he gives a new command (what to do), then he tells of the way to fulfill the command (how to do), and finally, he says of the benefit of obeying his command—“everyone will know that you are my disciples.” Loving like Jesus is the unique identity of his every disciple. The present situation  we see in our society, state, country, and in the world, says of the need of Christly love. When a disciple of Jesus Christ exhibits Christly love, the world gets an opportunity to see Jesus and to taste his love. Our life gives many golden opportunities to show Christ’s love through us. It is our responsibility to obey Jesus and to show his selfless and unconditional love to the world.

APPLICATION: Jesus loves me unconditionally and accepts me as his disciple. I have a command and responsibility to love others as Jesus loves me. My love should not be based on any worldly standards. Jesus is my role model and his love is my motivation and criterion to love others. I want to live a life that helps people to know and taste the life-transforming God’s love. 

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for your love that saved me. Lord, fill my heart with your love to obey your new command, “Love one another.” May my life help people to know that you are the Lord and savior who loves everyone. Amen.

 - Arputharaj Samuel +91 9538328573

Day - 162

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