Tuesday, June 15, 2021

You do not belong to the world

READ: 2 Kings 21, 22; Proverbs 15; John 15: 18-27

SCRIPTURE:  John 15: 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

OBSERVATION: Jesus never promised a life without any struggles. He has foretold what would happen to those who follow him. While Christ loves his disciples, the world may not love them. It may hate the disciples of Jesus. Even if a great sinner becomes a Christian and starts to live a useful life, the world would not be happy about his/her transformation in life. Instead, the world abuses with inappropriate comments and humiliates such people. A familiar scene everywhere! 

In John 15, Jesus gives three reasons for why the world hates his disciples: First, even before the world rejected us, it rejected Christ. Jesus lived an exemplary life, did many miracles, and taught insightful truths about God. Yet, his people did not accept him. They were not ready to welcome Jesus because they considered him a threat to their established lifestyle and system of traditions. Secondly, Jesus says that we do not belong to the world. In other words, we are not connected to the world but associated with Jesus. Although we live in the world, we do not lead worldly life, but we try to follow Christ in every way. Our different and transformed life appears to be ridiculous for the people of the world. They do not understand that we are chosen and separated people to live for God. Thirdly, the world does not know God. It does not mean that God is unknowable to them. Many people refuse to accept God because they are more loyal to their worldly traditions than to God. 

Here, Jesus does not say that all Christians would go through persecution or that all the problems in a Christian’s life are due to his/her faith in Christ. Further, it does not mean that Christians in persecution are real Christians and others are nominal ones. Jesus says these words to remember if we ever face the hate of the world. Let us not forget that Jesus identifies himself with our suffering; he is able to help us. We need not dislike the people who hate us. We can pray for them as Jesus did, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Lk.23:34). 

APPLICATION: Even if the whole world would hate Jesus, I will love him because he removed all the darkness of my life. Jesus gives his life and light to enjoy my new life with him. Whatever I face outside does not harm me. Because Jesus lives within me, I should show Christly love to the world and should be ready to forgive without any grudges. For, I have decided to follow Jesus in everything.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for preparing my heart to face the world and to follow you in every situation. Lord, you have called me to love one another. Help me to show your love to those who hate me. My Savior, give me your strength to forgive them. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day - 166

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