Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Prayer removes Fear

READ: Exodus 17, 18; Psalm 34; Matthew 17:14-27.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 34: 4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

OBSERVATION: The title of the Psalm 34 indicates that David was in a difficult situation to save his life. A brave and mighty warrior David would never have  imagined that he would pretend to be a mad man or would act like an insane man. Ironically, he did this when the men told their king about David's valor. When we read 1 Samuel 21:10-15, we understand that he did it out of fear as he "was very much afraid." He was not in a situation where he could pray openly or loudly. During this unprecedented time, David must have prayed in his heart, silently. In Psalm 34, David describes the result of his silent prayer, Here, he sings that God not only answered his prayers, but removed all his fears and gave him joy. God answers the prayers of all who seek him. 

APPLICATION: No situation is a barrier to seek God and to pray to him. When I face unexpected things or dangers in my life where I could not get  the help of any others, I can call upon the Lord. God listens to even my heart cry, and delivers me from all my troubles. God answers, delivers, and fills me with joy. I can call him anytime! He is always available. When I dial my prayers to him, he listens and responds to my prayer. It's a two way communication! Every time I pray, I receive God's strength to overcome my fears and  experience his peace and joy in my life. I must seek him always, not just in the times of need.

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for  listening and answering our prayers. Even for a secret prayer you give an open response. Help me to seek your face everyday, and to pray always. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573
3 February 2021

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