Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Beware of enemies of the cross!

READ: Ecclesiastes 3,4; Psalms 54; Romans 16

SCRIPTURE:   Romans 16: 17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

OBSERVATION: In the last five chapters of the book of Romans, Apostle Paul gives great emphasis on practical Christianity. Before he concludes the epistle, Paul remembers many who have helped him in the Gospel work; and he warns the Roman Church concerning false teaching and false teachers. Romans 16:17,18, Paul shares practical tips on how to deal with false teachings. First, we need to identify those who preach against apostolic teaching. False teachings often come with sugar-coated words and make us believe that they are scriptural. But, they essentially differ from the Gospel, divide Christians, and cause them to stumble in their spiritual life. We need to figure out such false teachings and those who preach them. The second step against any false teaching is that we must avoid them. False preachers, whomever they may be, we should show them the place they deserve. They have no business in church affairs. Paul urges, “Keep away from them.”  It may sound harsh to some Christians and may raise questions about loving people. Paul explains his reasoning to reject false teachers. They do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ; they are enemies of the cross. False teachings usually promote the selfish idea and greed of a false teacher. False teachers deceive people by projecting themselves as warriors of faith and pretend to preach the true Gospel of Christ. Thirdly, we should know that they do not glorify Jesus Christ. They aim to gratify their own desires and receive worldly gains. They do not have the mind of Christ. So false teachers do not bother to deceive Christians.

The Church of God should be aware of such false teachers who mislead and deceive people and should not give them any opportunity to deceive believers. When evaluating a person’s teaching, we need to ask these three questions: Does it agree with apostolic teaching? Does it glorify Jesus Christ? Does it edify or deceive people?

APPLICATION: I need to be watchful against false teachers and their teachings. I should not allow them to cause confusion and divisions among Christians. I do not need to listen to their deceiving teachings. They are of no help to my spiritual growth. I should stay away from any false teachers.  My goal is to serve the Lord Jesus and glorify him in everything.

PRAYER: Jesus, Thank you for the warning against false teachers. Lord, help me to stand for the truth of the Gospel and speak the truth in love. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day - 236

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