Sunday, August 8, 2021

Listening to God in tough times

READ: Job 11,12; Psalms 37; Acts 27

SCRIPTURE: Acts 27: 10 “Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.”
11 But the Centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.

OBSERVATION: Acts 27 gives us a detailed account of the struggles of all those on the ship when they faced severe storms as Paul was taken to Rome. The journey was difficult right from the start. It was not an ideal time for long trips. So, from his extensive voyage experience and godly wisdom, Paul advised Julius and his men against their travel plans. However, he did not listen to Paul. Instead, he accepted the ship’s owner and the pilot’s suggestion to move from Fair Havens to Phoneix to stay safe during the winter. Soon after they departed to Phoneix, a harbor port 40 miles away from Fair Haven, they faced severe winds. Afterward, until they reached the island of Malta, the ship was not in their control; the wind drove them. For fourteen days, they did not eat properly. To save their lives and the ship during the terrible storm, they were to throw the cargo overboard, many tools, and even the grains.  They “gave up all hope of being saved” (v.20). When the second time Paul spoke, They all listened to Paul’s words and were encouraged. They could have avoided all the tragedies if they listened to him earlier(v.21). At last, all of their lives were spared from the hopeless situation owing to Paul’s prayer. (v.24).

The Centurion may have thought that the pilot and the Ship’s owner would know more about the wind movements and voyage than Paul. Likewise, many people believe that worldly experts or experienced can navigate any storm and handle every situation. They fail to see that God still has control over every windy and dangerous situation.  However, when they acknowledge God’s sovereignty and follow his instructions, God saves them. Modern technologies and scientists cannot know the future. But God knows everything. He can speak to us even when we pass through severe storms of our lives and offer his guidance to us. We must listen to God and obey his instructions. The sooner we follow God, we can avoid many struggles in our lives and save ourselves from disasters.

APPLICATION: God who controls the waves and the winds sometimes may allow me to sail through severe storms of life. At such times, I must continue my prayer life with God and should pray for all people. I should be thankful to God for his provision to meet my needs during such times. When I listen to God’s word, he calms my heart and gives me peace. There is dawn after every darkness. I can trust God; His grace will lead me home.

PRAYER: Sovereign God, thank you for your guidance and care in my life. Lord, help me to listen to your words and obey your will in all situations. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day - 219

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