Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A food for thought

  READ: Numbers 21, 22; Psalm 69; Mark 7:1-23

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 21: 4 They traveled from Mount Hor along the route to the Red Sea, to go around Edom. But the people grew impatient on the way; 5 they spoke against God and against Moses, and said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!”

OBSERVATION: Right from the start of their exodus,  Israelites often grumbled against the Lord God and his servant Moses. The book of Numbers records many such rebellions of Israelites. Here they were not ready to go around a place, Rather, they wanted to cut short their journey distance. Their impatience resulted in rebelling against God. They were so close to inherit the promised land, both in terms of time and distance. However, they complained about food and water. They forgot the God who provided them water and food in all their journey. Concerning Manna  that "tasted like wafers made with honey," they said, "we detest this miserable food!" They were so ungrateful to God who provided them the food of angels. They might had felt monotonous  about eating the same food again and again. When God sent a punishment, this time Israelites immediately repented of their sin. Therefore, God ordered to make a bronze snake and put up on a pole. Whoever received  the snake bite had to look at the pole where Moses kept a bronze snake in order to get healing and live.  

APPLICATION: In a Spiritual sense, Jesus said, " I am the living bread that came down from heaven" (Jn 6:51). Some Christians feel bored about doing a same thing again and again in their Christian life. Some others think, why the same message about Jesus is repeated again and again in the churches and Christian fellowships. Israelites murmured and often thought of going back to Egypt because they were only looking at their hardship of the exodus journey. They often forgot the glorious  presence and the providence of the Lord. I should ever remember that God's presence with me is precious than anything else in the world. Moreover, God lifted up Jesus Christ on the cross like Moses lifted  up a bronze snake on a pole. When I look up the crucified savior, I receive God's strength and healing  to live in this world. Like I eat regularly for my body, I need God's spiritual food everyday for my spirit, soul and body. I should not detest it. I should give my time to him and to his word regularly.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for this thought on taking regular spiritual in take in my life. Help me to seek and to love the spiritual food you give me everyday. . Help me to keep my focus on you and on your word. Amen.   

- Arputharaj Samuel
 +91 9538328573

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