Friday, March 12, 2021

what do you have?

READ: Numbers 25, 26; Psalm 71; Mark 8:1-21

SCRIPTURE: Mark 8: 5 “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they (Jesus’ disciples) replied.

OBSERVATION: Here we see a question that Jesus asked his disciples who had no clue about feeding  the  big crowd. You may have read that Jesus asked the same question before he fed 5000 men (Mark 6:38). On both these occasions, Jesus’ disciples had a practical question. So they asked Jesus that where would we get the required breads for this large group. In the earlier instance, they said that getting food for this big crowd would require a lot of money. How would it be even possible to get such large quantity of food immediately! However Jesus asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” When we are in a need of a miracle, Jesus never would ask us something that we do not have. He would ask us what do you have with you.  As soon as the disciples brought what they had with them, Jesus asked the crowd to sit down. Then he thanked God for what is available and broke them to distribute among the hungry crowd. Thus, the two miracles of the multiplication of the food satisfied thousands of people. 

APPLICATION: Many times I have worried about what is not with me and have complained about it to God. At times, I think that  I could not do or achieve something because I do not have the particular talent, ability, education, opportunity, facilities, and favorable environments and so on. Although God has the power to do a miracle using anything, he wants me to bring before him what I have with me. Then God uses my seemingly small and less valued things   for his glory and to satisfy many souls. I should remember this and should not be hesitant to use what I have. As long as I keep my little resources with me, they may appear to be like worthless. However, when I give it to Jesus, he makes it a blessing to many.

PRAYER:  Father, thank you for helping me to understand that you can use me and my little talents for your glory. Jesus, help me to come forward compassionately to serve the people and to share what I have. Thank you for what I have. Use them for your glory.  Amen.   

- Arputharaj Samuel
 +91 9538328573

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