Friday, March 26, 2021

How to identify a true prophet?

READ: Deuteronomy 17, 18; Psalm 85; Mark 15:1-32

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 18: 21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?”
22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

OBSERVATION: In general, people are interested to know what would happen in the future. Across the world, many people go to persons who claim that they could predict or foretell the future, even if they have minimum success rate. Here, God informed Moses about the future prophet (i.e. Jesus) who would speak God's words, and said, "you must listen to him" (V.15,18). God warned the Israelites not to go to any sorcerer or soothsayer. At the same time he prepared the Israelites to discern if there is any false prophet, for they could lead God's people away from the Lord. Because, they do not speak according to the Word of God (Is.8:20). As we see here in verse 22, fulfilment of a prophecy  is one test to know whether a prophet is from God or not. However,  Deut.13:1-5 warns us to be cautious even if  we see the fulfilment of a prediction or a foretell. Those fulfilments could be coincidental or the results of intelligent observations.  Even if we see mighty signs and wonders of a person, we need to check whether it is from God. You may remember that the Egyptian magicians also performed miracles. We should listen to God and his words, not to any (false) prophets.

APPLICATION: God knows my future. He holds me in his right hand. I need not to worry about what would happen and how it would happen. I do not bother about the words of false prophets.  Listening and obeying God's words are important than knowing something about the future. I will pay my attention to God and his words. When God's words are in my heart, I would be able to recognize a true prophecy as it will be in line with the Word of God

PRAYER: Father God, thank you your warning to identify any false prophets, if any. Because you love me so much, you say these things to me so that no one can deceive or mislead me. Help me to show my love for you by listening your words and obeying you always. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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