Friday, April 30, 2021

A pleasant meditation

READ: 1 Samuel 5, 6; Psalm 119: 89-176 ; Luke 16:19-31

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119: 97 Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long...103 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

OBSERVATION: Meditation is a popular practice in many religions. There are different types of meditation with different techniques. However, Christian meditation is totally different from other forms of meditation. While others are focusing on a particular object(s) or their activities during their meditation times, in Christian meditation we contemplate on God and his word. In Psalm 119:97-104, the psalmist shares his experience of meditation and the benefits he gained from it. Notice the exclamation of his love for the word of God. Throughout a day he meditates on God's word. We may wonder how is it possible! It is because he tasted the sweetness of God's word that is sweeter than honey. 

The psalmist is not merely reading the word of God. Rather, he meditates it with a sincere love. His meditation of the word of God gave him many benefits such as wisdom, insights, understanding, and protection from any evil, to name a few. He became a better person than his enemies, teachers and elders. How wonderful is it to know about Christian meditation and its benefits! It is always good to read and to know the word of God. But meditating the word of God will give us the joy and blessings that are inexplainable in words.

APPLICATION: God's word has many blessings for my life. As I revere and have high regards for the word of God, I should give my time to read regularly. My busy life should not be an excuse for not giving proper time to God's word.  When I read the Bible, I understand God's plan for my life. When I meditate the word of God, I gain all riches of wisdom to become a better person in the world. I love the word of God, so I regularly meditate it.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for the bible in my hands. May my meditation of your words be pleasing to you, Oh God. Lord,  When I read your word everyday, help me to taste that the Lord is good, Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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