Tuesday, April 6, 2021

How to worship God!

READ: Joshua 5, 6; Psalm 96; Luke 4:31-44

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 96: 9 Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.

OBSERVATION:  Since Psalm 96 closely resembles with 1 Chronicles 16:23-33, some say that it was written by David. This psalm first encourages its readers and hearers to sing and praise God.  Secondly, it gives reasons to praise and worship God. Thirdly, it gives a unique picture of how to worship God! This distinguishes the key difference between the worship of God Yahweh and the idol worship. In Hebrew, the phrase "in the splendor of his holiness" may refer more than one meaning. Some may think that whether it says about the holiness of God or the holy clothing of a person who worships God. There is no doubt about God's holiness. He is the Holy God. This makes him unique among all gods. However, what makes him even more unique is, he expects us to worship "in the splendor of his holiness." Holy God expects a holy worship! How do we come before God really matters to him. Does this  mean that we cannot worship God if we are not holy! NO. God repeatedly says, "I am the Lord, who makes you holy." All we need is to acknowledge our true state before him, and should ask him forgiveness with true repentance. He purifies us  so that we can worship God.  How do we come to worship God? 

APPLICATION: I hear a lot of Christian songs that helps me to sing and to praise the God almighty. Praising and singing about God are good starters to worship God.  However, God is pleased with a worship that made "in the splendor of his holiness." No other ornamentation or no other clothing pleases God than a holy worship. I should not say that "I am not a holy person, so I will not worship God." When I come before him with a godly fear, he removes my fears and makes me holy before him. He is able! 

PRAYER: Father God, you are the Holy one of Israel! You want me to be holy, just as you are. Holy God, discipline me in order that I may partake your holiness. It is not just when I come before you, help me to lead a holy life always. Amen. 

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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