Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Nearer, my God, to thee!

READ: Joshua 7, 8; Psalm 97; Luke 5:1-16

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5: 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

OBSERVATION: When we read Luke 5:8, we may wonder what Peter saw at that moment! A  professional fisherman Peter must had surprised when Jesus told him, "“Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Fishermen would prefer to fish early in the morning or night time, for it is the best time to catch fishes. Here, it is unusual that  Peter and his men caught nothing, even after they tried all night. However, when he let down the nets in obedience to Jesus' words, he saw something fresh about Jesus. Obviously, it was not the first time  he had been with Jesus. Until then, Peter may had known Jesus as a carpenter's son from Nazareth, or a teacher, or a miracle worker, and so on. When he saw the abundance of fishes in their nets, he must had understood that Jesus was more than any other person in the world. When people realize the nearness of God, they become aware of their real sinful state and unworthiness to stand close to him. When Isaiah saw God, he became conscious about his true state in front of the Holy God (Is.6:5). Notice what Peter did: "he fell at Jesus' knees" and said "Lord." In other words, as soon as he realized that all his skills and traits were nothing before Jesus, he surrendered to Jesus. See the difference in how Peter called Jesus - Master Jesus became the Lord Jesus. Thereafter, Jesus made him a fisher of men. After this incident, he and his friends left their nets to be with Jesus permanently . They were no longer occasional visitors to Jesus.  Afterwards, they began to follow Jesus closely, wherever he went. 

APPLICATION: When I come near to Jesus, when I have a personal encounter with Jesus, I get a clear picture of who Jesus is and who I am! Seeing Jesus in distance, or meeting him once in a while would give me some respectable understanding about Jesus. Some people do not want to come near Jesus, for they want to avoid an exposure of their true state. Rather, they maintain a distance from Jesus, and marvel at him. I should not do like this. Until I allow him to come close to me or I go near him, I would miss a great opportunity to know him better and personally and to realize my true being. When I realize that Jesus is my Lord, my life is transformed totally. Then, I become a new person by living with him. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for continually giving me many opportunities to come near you, though I am not worthy to come before you. Thank you for your call that changes me as your follower and a disciple. Lord, help me today to stay close with you  and to know more about you. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

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